Henschen & Associates, Inc.

Henschen and Associates, Inc has sold and supported the Xinuos SCO OpenServer 5/6 and UnixWare line for over 20 years. Our applications and SCO/Xinuos have grown up together to have a great relationship over the period of time to provide stable product for our customers.

2019-05-16T18:31:46-07:00January 14th, 2019|


iXorg excels as an international, collaborative group of resellers, developers, and consultants specializing in UNIX and Linux server systems and network technologies. Xinuos has extended to iXorg a level of cooperation, training, and support reflective of our 30 year working relationship as THE organization of SCO/Xinuos resellers, including their participation every year in our TestFest [...]

2019-07-31T23:48:05-07:00October 30th, 2018|
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